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Hagiography from before 1000 AD
Available in English Translation

Thomas Head
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Soldiers of Christ: Saints' Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. Thomas Noble and Thomas Head (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 1995) contains an extensive introduction to hagiography during this period and ten lives of saints in translation. Two other collections which contain translated material relating to the cult of the saints over most or all of the span of this period are: Christianity and Paganism, 350-750: The Conversion of Western Europe, ed. Jocelyn Hillgrath, second edition (Philadelphia, 1986) and Medieval Women's Visionary Literature, ed. Elizabeth Petroff (Oxford, 1986). Both volumes, however, primarily contain excerpts from longer texts.

Translations of the early acts of martyrs, both Greek and Latin, may be found in The Acts of the Christian Martyrs, ed. Herbert Musurillo (Oxford, 1972). Some of the more important works of late antique Greek hagiography are: Palladius, The Lausiac History, trans. Robert Meyer (Washington, DC, 1964); Gregory of Nyssa, Life of St. Macrina in Ascetical Works, trans. V. W. Callahan (Washington, DC, 1967); Athanasius, The Life of Antony, trans. Robert Gregg (New York, 1980). Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, eds. Sebastian Brock and Susan Harvey (Berkeley, 1987) and Three Byzantine Saints, eds. Elizabeth Dawes and Norman Baynes (Crestwood, NY, 1977) both contain representative works of hagiography from the Christian east. both contain excerpts from many texts concerning the cult of the saints in late antiquity and the early middle ages.

All the hagiographic works of Gregory of Tours have been translated: Life of the Fathers, trans. Edward James (Liverpool, 1986); Glory of the Martyrs, trans. Raymond Van Dam (Liverpool, 1988); Glory of the Confessors, trans. Raymond Van Dam (Liverpool, 1988); The Suffering and Miracles of the Martyr St. Julian and The Miracles of the Bishop St. Martin in Raymond Van Dam, Saints and Their Miracles in Late Antique Gaul (Princeton, 1993). The latter work also contains other works relating to the cult of the saints in Merovingian Gaul. A number of lives of female saints from the Merovingian kingdom are to be found in Sainted Women of the Dark Ages, eds. Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (Durham, NC, 1992). The subjects of these lives all lived in the late sixth or seventh century; some of the works, however, date to a much later period. A number of works of Frankish hagiography from the seventh century are included in Late Merogingian France: History and Hagiography, 640-720, eds. Paul Fouracre and Richard Gerberding (Manchester, 1996). For the life of the most important Celtic monastic reformer active on the continent, see Jonas, Life of Columbanus in Monks, Bishops, and Pagans: Christian Culture in Gaul and Italy, 500-700, ed. Edward Peters (Philadelphia, 1975). Note that this does not contain teh entire text of Jonas' work. That collection also contains numerous excerpts from the works of Gregory of Tours, Gregory the Great, and other hagiographers.

There are numerous translations available of Gregory the Great's Dialogues, particularly of the second book which concerns the life of St. Benedict of Nursia; perhaps the best is that by Odo Zimmerman (The Fathers of the Church, 39; Washington, DC, 1959). The only other hagiography from early medieval Italy readily available in English is the early section of the Liber Pontificalis: The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis), trans. Raymond Davis (1989) and The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis), trans. Raymond Davis (1992). The single most important piece of hagiography from early medieval Spain, and the only easily available in English, is The "Vitas sanctorum patrum Emeritensium", ed. and trans. Joseph Garvin (Washington, 1946).

Most of the Latin hagiographic works composed in Anglo-Saxon England are available in English translation. Three collections are particularly useful: C. W. Jones (ed. and trans.), Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England, ed. (Ithaca, NY, 1947); Clinton Albertson (ed. and trans.), Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967); The Age of Bede, ed. David Farmer (Harmondsworth, 1983). A number of individual works have been edited and translated by Bertram Colgrave: The Life of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus (Cambridge, 1927; reprint 1985); Two Lives of Saint Cuthbert (Cambridge, 1940; reprint 1985); Felix's Life of St. Guthlac (Cambridge, 1956; reprint 1985); The Earliest Life of Gregory the Great by an anonymous Monk of Whitby (Kansas, 1969). Several Old English hagiographic works may be found in modern English in: Anglo-Saxon Poetry, ed. and trans. R. K. Gordon (London, 1926 and reprints). Similarly, much Irish hagiography (both Latin and Celtic) has been translated, but often in versions which are now quite dated: The Tripartite Life of Patrick, with Other Documents Relating to that Saint, ed. Whitley Stokes (Rolls Series, 89; London, 1887); Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore, ed. Whitley Stokes (Oxford, 1890); R. A. Stewart Macalister, "Life of Saint Finan," Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 2 (1899), pp. 545-65; Miscellanea hagiographica hibernica, ed. Charles Plummer (Brussels, 1925); St. Patrick: His Writings and Life, trans. Newport White (London, 1920); St. Patrick: His Writings and Life, trans. Newport White (London and New York, 1920); M. A. O'Brien, "The Old Irish Life of St. Brigit," Irish Historical Studies, 1 (1938-9), pp. 121-34 and 343-53; Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae, ed. W. W. Heist (Brussels, 1965); St. Patrick: His Writings and Muirchu's Life, ed. and trans. A. B. E. Hood (Totowa, NJ, 1978). For an excellent, recent translation, see Adomnan, Life of Columba, ed. Alan Anderson and Marjorie Anderson, second edition (Oxford, 1991). Collections of Scottish and Welsh lives may be found respectively in Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints, trans. W. W. Metcalfe (Paisley, 1895) and Vitae sanctorum Britanniae et genealogiae, ed. A. W. Wade-Evans (Cardiff, 1944). An intriguing piece of hagiography from Brittany is included in Caroline Brett (ed.), The Monks of Redon (Woodbridge, 1989). C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany, (New York, 1954) contains many important lives from from the eighth and ninth centuries. Another important work by an Anglo-Saxon monk active on the continent is Alcuin, The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York, ed. Peter Godman (Oxford, 1982).

Some other representative works from the tenth century may be found in: Three Lives of the Last Englishmen, trans. Michael Swanton (New York, 1984); Wulfstan of Winchester, Life of St. Aethelwold, eds. Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterborrom (Oxford, 1991); St. Odo of Cluny, trans. Gerard Sitwell (New York, 1958); The Dramas of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, trans. Katharina Wilson (Saskatoon, 1985). On the conversion of the Slavs in central Europe, see The Origins of Christianity in Bohemia: Sources and Commentary, ed. and trans. Marvin Kantor (Evanston, IL, 1990) which contains several interesting tenth-century hagiographic works translated from both Latin and Old Church Slavonic.

Although not all technically works of hagiography, the lives of Charlemagne and his family provide excellent comparisons to the works included in the present volume: Two Lives of Charlemagne, ed. Lewis Thorpe (Harmondsworth, 1969); Charlemagne's Cousins. Contemporary Lives of Adalhard and Wala, trans. Allen Cabaniss (Syracuse, 1967); Son of Charlemagne. A Contemporary Life of Louis the Pious, trans. Allen Cabaniss (Syracuse, 1961). Of similar use are tenth- and early-eleventh century royal biographies from Anglo-Saxon England and Ottonian Germany: Abbo of Fleury, Passion of St. Edmund in Corolla Sancti Eadmundi. The Garland of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, trans. Francis Hervey (London, 1907); Asser, Life of Alfred in Alfred the Great, eds. Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge (London, 1983); Encomium Emmae reginae, ed. and trans. A. Campbell (Camden Society, 3.72; London, 1949); Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, The Deeds of Otto in Hrosvitae Liber tertius, trans. Sister Mary Bernardine Bergman (St. Louis, 1942); Liutprand of Cremona, A Chronicle of Otto's Reign in The Works of Liudprand of Cremona, trans. F. A. Wright (London, 1930); Wipo, Deeds of Conrad in Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century, ed. and trans. Theodor Mommsen and Karl Morrison (New York, 1962).

In comparison to the lives of saints, relatively few texts concerning their posthumous cult during the Anglo-Saxon, Carolingian, Capetian, or Ottonian periods have been translated. Some exceptions are: Einhard, The History of the Translation of the Blessed Martyrs of Christ Marcellinus and Peter, trans. Barrett Wendell (Cambridge, 1926); selections from Ermentarius, Translation and Miracles of St. Philibert in David Herlihy (ed.), The History of Feudalism (New York, 1970); and the Translation of St. Germain of Paris in Donald Bullough, The Vikings at Paris (Manchester, 1992); Letaldus of Micy, The Journey of the Body of S. Junianus to the Council of Charroux in The Peace of God: Social Violence and Religious Response in France Around the Year One Thousand, eds. Thomas Head and Richard Landes (Ithaca, NY, 1992).

A Hand List of Early (and some High) Medieval Hagiography Available in English Translation (listed by saint):

Adomnan, Life of Columba, trans. Alan Orr and Marjorie Anderson, second edition (Oxford Medieval Texts; Oxford, 1991).

Aelred of Rievaulx: Walter Daniel, The Life of Ailred of Rievaulx, ed. and trans. by F. M. Powicke (London, 1950).

Aethelwold: Wulfstan of Winchester, Life of St. Aethelwold, trans. Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterbottom (Oxford, 1991).

Aethelwulf, De abbatibus, ed. and trans. A. Campbell (Oxford, 1967).

Alcuin, The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York, trans. Peter Godman (Oxford, 1982).

Alcuin, Life of Willibrord in C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967).

Aldegund: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Ambrose: F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Antony of Egypt: Athanasius, Life of St. Antony (New York, 1980).

Anstrude: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Ardo (Smaragdus), Life of Benedict of Aniane in The Emperor's Monk: A Contemporary Life of Benedict of Aniane by Ardo (Ilfracombe, Devon: Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd., 1979).

Augustine: F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Austreberta: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Barbartus: Edward Peters (ed.), Monks, Bishops, and Pagans: Christian Culture and Italy, 500-700 (Philadelphia, 1975).

Bede, Life of Cuthbert in Two Lives of Saint Cuthbert, trans. Bertram Colgrave (Cambridge, 1940; reprint 1985); David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

Bede, Lives of the Abbots of Monkwearmouth and Jarrow in Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967) and David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

Benedict of Aniane: The Emperor's Monk: A Contemporary Life of Benedict of Aniane by Ardo (Ilfracombe, Devon: Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd., 1979).

Bertilla: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Boniface: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967).

Brittany: The Monks of Redon: the Gesta sanctorum Rotonensium and Vita Conuuoionis, ed. and trans. Caroline Brett (Woodbridge, 1989).

Bruno of Cologne: H. Kallfelz (ed. and trans.), Lebensbeschreibungen einiger Bischöfe des 10.-12. Jahrhunderts (Darmstadt, 1973).

Brendan, Voyage of: David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

Brigit: M. A. O'Brien, "The Old Irish Life of St. Brigit," Irish Historical Studies, 1 (1938-9), pp. 121-34 and 343-53. Irish text with translation.

Burgundofara: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Caesaria: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Catherine of Genoa: Purgation and Purgatory; The Spiritual Dialogue (New York).

Catherine of Siena: Raymond of Capua, The Life of Catherine of Siena, trans. Conleth Kearns (Wilmington, DE, 1980).

---, The Dialogue of Divine Providence, trans. and ed. Suzanne Noffke (New York).

---, The Letters of St. Catherine of Siena, Volume I, trans. and ed. Suzanne Noffke (Binghamton, NY, 1988).

Christina Mirabilis: Thomas of Cantimpré, The Life of Christina Mirabilis, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

Christina of Markyate: The Life of Christina of Markyate, a Twelfth-Century Recluse, ed. and trans. C.H. Talbot (Oxford, 1959; reprint, Oxford Medieval Texts, Oxford, 1987).

Conwoion: The Monks of Redon: the Gesta sanctorum Rotonensium and Vita Conuuoionis, ed. and trans. Caroline Brett (Woodbridge, 1989).

Clothild: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Coelfrith: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967).

Columba: Adomnan, Life of Columba, trans. Alan Anderson and Marjorie Anderson, second edition (Oxford, 1991).

Columba: Cuimine Ailbe, Life of Columba in Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints, trans. W. M. Metcalfe (Paisley, 1895).

Columbanus: Edward Peters (ed.), Monks, Bishops, and Pagans: Christian Culture and Italy, 500-700 (Philadelphia, 1975).

Constantius of Lyon, Life of St. Germanus of Auxerre in F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Conwoion: The Monks of Redon: the Gesta sanctorum Rotonensium and Vita Conuuoionis, ed. and trans. Caroline Brett (Woodbridge, 1989).

Cuthbert: Two Lives of Saint Cuthbert, trans. Bertram Colgrave (Cambridge, 1940; reprint 1985). Also see the translations in Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967) and David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

David: Rhygyfarch: Life of St. David, ed. and trans. J. W. James (Cardiff, 1967).

Eddius Stephanus, The Life of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus, trans. Bertram Colgrave (Cambridge, 1927; reprint 1985); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967); David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

Edward the Confessor: Frank Barlow (ed. and trans.), The Life of King Edward who rests at Westminster, attributed to a Monk of St. Bertin (Nelson Medieval Texts; London, 1962), second edition (Oxford Medieval Texts; Oxford, 1992).

Eigil of Fulda, Life of St. Sturm in C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Ermentarius, De translationibus et miraculis s. Philiberti. Selections translated in David Herlihy, The History of Feudalism (New York, 1970).

Eustadiola: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Felix, Life of Guthlac of Crowland in Felix's Life of St. Guthlac, ed. and trans. Bertram Colgrave (Cambridge, 1956) and C. W. Jones, ed. and trans., Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England (Cornell, 1947).

Finan: R. A. Stewart Macalister, "Life of Saint Finan," Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 2 (1899), pp. 545-65. Irish text with translation.

Francis of Assisi: Marion Habig (ed. and trans.), English Omnibus of Sources for the Life of St. Francis (Chicago, 1973).

Galthild: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Genevieve: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Germanus of Auxerre: F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Germanus of Paris: Translation of St. Germain of Paris in Donald Bullough, The Vikings at Paris (Manchester, 1992).

Gertrude: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Gilbert of Sempringham: The Book of St. Gilbert, eds. and trans. Gillian Keir and Raymonde Foreville.

Glodesind: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Gregory the Great, Dialogues, trans. Odo Zimmerman (The Fathers of the Church, 39; Washington, DC, 1959).

Gregory the Great: Life of Gregory by an anonymous monk of Whitby in C.W. Jones, ed. and trans., Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England (Cornell, 1947) and The Earliest Life of Gregory the Great by an anonymous Monk of Whitby, ed. and trans. Bertram Colgrave (Kansas, 1969); reprint, Cambridge, 1985).

Gregory of Tours, Life of the Fathers, trans. Edward James (Liverpool, 1986).

Gregory of Tours, Glory of the Martyrs, trans. Raymond Van Dam (Liverpool, 1988).

Gregory of Tours, Glory of the Confessors, trans. Raymond Van Dam (Liverpool, 1988).

Guthlac: Felix, Life of Guthlac of Crowland in C.W. Jones, ed. and trans., Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England (Cornell, 1947).

Hilary of Arles, Life of St. Honoratus in F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Honoratus: F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Hugeberc of Heidenheim, Hodoeporicon of St. Willlibald in C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

David Farmer (ed.), The Age of Bede (Harmondsworth, 1983).

Einhard, The History of the Translation of the Blessed Martyrs of Christ Marcellinus and Peter, trans. Barrett Wendell (Cambridge 1926).

Gerald of Aurillac: Dom Gerard Sitwell (trans. and ed.), St. Odo of Cluny (New York: Sheed and Ward, 19??).

Gertrude of Helfta, The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude (1862, reprint Westminster, MD, 1987).

Hadewijch, The Complete Works, trans. and ed. Columba Hart (New York, 1980).

Herluin of Bec: La vie de Saitn Herluin, fondaeur et premier abbé du Bec (Bec, s. d.).

Hildegard of Bingen, Book of Divine Works, trans. Robert Cunningham, ed. Matthew Fox (Santa Fe, NM, 1987).

---, Scivias, trans. Bruce Hozeski (Sante FE, NM, 1986).

Irish saints: Whitley Stokes (ed. and trans.), Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore (Oxford, 1890) and Charles Plummer (ed. and trans.), Miscellanea hagiographica hibernica (Brussels, 1925).

James of Vitry, The Life of Marie d'Oignies, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

Jocelyn of Saint-Bertin (?): Frank Barlow (ed. and trans.), The Life of King Edward who rests at Westminster, attributed to a Monk of St. Bertin (Nelson Medieval Texts; London, 1962).

John of Lausanne: The Life of Blessed Juliana of Mont-Cornillon, trans. Barbara Newman (Matrologia Latina).

Jonas, Life of Columbanus in Edward Peters (ed.), Monks, Bishops, and Pagans: Christian Culture and Italy, 500-700 (Philadelphia, 1975).

Julian of Mont-Cornillon: John of Lausanne, The Life of Blessed Juliana of Mont-Cornillon, trans. Barbara Newman (Matrologia Latina).

Leoba of Fula: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Lebuin: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Liber Pontificalis: The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis), trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool, 1989) and The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis), trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool, 1992).

Lutgard of Aywières: Thomas of Cantimpré, The Life of Lutgard of Aywières, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

Martin: F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Mary Magdalene: Rabanus Maurus, The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene and her Sister Martha: A Medieval Biography, trans. David Mycoff (Kalamazoo, 1989).

Mary of Oignies: James of Vitry, The Life of Marie d'Oignies, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

Maximinus of Micy (Miracle of): Thomas Head, "'I Vow Myself To Be Your Servant': An Eleventh-Century Pilgrim, His Chronicler, and His Saint." Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques, 11 (1984), pp. 215-251.

Merida, Lives of the Bishops of: Joseph Garvin (ed. and trans.), The "Vitas sanctorum patrum Emeritensium" (Washington, 1946).

Michael of Synkellos: The Life of Michael the Synkellos: Text, translation and commentary, ed. and trans. Mary Cunningham (Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations; Belfast, 1991).

Monegund: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Odo of Cluny: Dom Gerard Sitwell (trans. and ed.), St. Odo of Cluny (New York: Sheed and Ward, 19??).

Odo of Cluny, Life of Gerald of Aurillac in Dom Gerard Sitwell (trans. and ed.), St. Odo of Cluny (New York: Sheed and Ward, 19??).

Otto of Bamberg: C. H. Robinson (ed. and trans.), Life of Otto, Apostle of Pomerania (London, 1929).

Patrick: The Tripartite Life of Patrick, with Other Documents Relating to that Saint, ed. and trans. Whitley Stokes (Rolls Series, 89; London, 1887); The Life of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, trans. M. F. Cusack (London, 1871); St. Patrick: His Writings and Life, trans. Newport White (London and New York, 1920).

Paulinus the Deacon, Life of St. Ambrose in F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Possidius of Calama, Life of St. Augustine of Hippo in F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Rabanus Maurus, The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene and her Sister Martha: A Medieval Biography, trans. David Mycoff (Kalamazoo, 1989).

Radegund: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Raymond of Capua: The Life of Catherine of Siena, trans. Conleth Kearns (Wilmington, DE, 1980).

Redon, monastery of, saints of: The Monks of Redon: the Gesta sanctorum Rotonensium and Vita Conuuoionis, ed. and trans. Caroline Brett (Woodbridge, 1989).

Rhygyfarch: Life of St. David, ed. and trans. J. W. James (Cardiff, 1967).

Rictrudis: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Rudolf of Fulda, Life of St. Leoba in C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Rusticula: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Sadalberga: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Scottish saints: Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints, trans. W. M. Metcalfe (Paisley, 1895).

Smaragdus (Ardo), Life of Benedict of Aniane in The Emperor's Monk: A Contemporary Life of Benedict of Aniane by Ardo (Ilfracombe, Devon: Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd., 1979).

Sturm: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Sulpicius Severus, Life of St. Martin in F. R. Hoare (trans. and ed.), The Western Fathers (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Thomas Becket: Edwin Abbott, Saint Thomas of Canterbury. His Death and Miracles, 2 vols. (London, 1898). Contains translations and summaries of many posthumous miracle stories.

Thomas of Cantimpré, The Life of Christina Mirabilis, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

---, The Life of Lutgard of Aywières, trans. Margot King (Matrologia Latina).

Thomas of Monmouth: The Life and Miracles of Saint William of Norwich, eds. and trans., Augustus Jessopp and Montague James (Cambridge, 1896).

Waldetrude: Jo Ann McNamara and John Halborg, with E. Gordon Whatley (eds.), Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, NC, 1992).

Walter Daniel: The Life of Ailred of Rievaulx, ed. and trans. by F. M. Powicke (London, 1950).

Welsh saints: A. W. Wade-Evans (ed. and trans.), Vitae sanctorum Britanniae et genealogiae (Cardiff, 1944).

William of Norwich: Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and Miracles of Saint William of Norwich, eds. and trans., Augustus Jessopp and Montague James (Cambridge, 1896).

Willibald, Life of Boniface in C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967).

Willibald: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954).

Willibrord: C. H. Talbot (trans. and ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954); Clinton Albertson, ed. and trans., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Heroes (New York, 1967).

Wilfrid of Hexham: Eddius Stephanus, The Life of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus, trans. Bertram Colgrave (Cambridge, 1927; reprint 1985).

Wulfstan of Winchester, Life of St. Aethelwold, trans. Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterbottom (Oxford, 1991).

Wulfstan of Worcester, Life of: Michael Swanton (ed. and trans.), Three Lives of the Last Englishmen (Garland Library of Medieval Literature, B.10; New York, 1984).


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