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Bibliography: Early Modern English Towns, Part 1

Written for H-Urban by Joseph P. Ward, University of Mississippi, <jward@olemiss.edu>

1. INTRODUCTORY SURVEYS: 1.1 Barry, Jonathan, ed.,The Tudor and Stuart Town: A Reader in English Urban History 1530-1688(London: Longman, 1990). 1.2 Borsay, Peter,The Eighteenth-Century Town: A Reader in English Urban History, 1688-1820(London: Longman, 1990). 1.3 Clark, Peter, ed.,The Early Modern Town: A Reader(New York: Longman, 1972). 1.4 -----, ed.,The Transformation of English Provincial Towns, 1600-1800 (Dover, New Hampshire: Hutchinson, 1984) 1.5 Clark, Peter and Paul Slack, eds.,Crisis and Order in English Towns, 1500-1700(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972). 1.6 -----,English Towns in Transition, 1500-1700(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976). 1.7 Corfield, Penelope J., The Impact of English Towns, 1700-1800 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982). 1.8 Harding, Vanessa, "Early Modern London 1550-1700,"London Journal20 (1995): 34-45. 1.9 Jack, Sybil M.,Towns in Tudor and Stuart Britain(New York: St. Martin's, 1996). 1.10 Richardson, R.C. and T.B. James, eds.,The Urban Experience: A Sourcebook(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1983). 1.11 Schwarz, Leonard, "London, 1700-1850,"London Journal20 (1995): 46-55. 2. DEMOGRAPHY: 2.1 Borsay, Peter, The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town, 1660-1770(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989). 2.2 Boulton, Jeremy, Neighbourhood and Society: A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). 2.3 Carlin, Martha,Medieval Southwark(London: Hambledon, 1996). 2.4 Clark, Peter and Jean Hosking,Population Estimates of English Small Towns, 1550-1851rev. ed. (Leicester, 1993). 2.5 Dyer, Alan,Decline and Growth in English Towns 1400-1640(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). 2.6 Finlay, Roger,Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London 1580-1650(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981). 2.7 Harding, Vanessa, "'And one more may be laid there': The Location of Burials in Early Modern London,"London Journal14 (1989): 112-29. 2.8 -----, "The Population of London 1550-1700: A Review of the Published Evidence,"London Journal15 (1990): 11-28. 2.9 -----, "Burial Choice and Burial Location in Later Medieval London," in Steven Bassett, ed.,Death in Towns: Urban Responses to the Dying and the Dead, 1000-1600(Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1992), pp. 119-35. 2.10 -----, "New Types of Urbanism: Early Modern London 1550-1750,"Franco British Studies17 (1994): 85-93. 2.11 Jenner, Mark, "The Politics of London Air: John Evelyn's Fumifugium and the Restoration,"Historical Journal38, 3 (1995): 535-51. 2.12 Landers, John,Death and the Metropolis: Studies in the Demographic History of London 1670-1830(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993). 2.13 Power, M. J., "The Social Topography of Restoration London," in A.L. Beier and Roger Finlay, eds.,London 1500-1700: The Making of the Metropolis(London: Longman, 1986), pp. 199-223. 2.14 Robertson, J. C., "Reckoning with London: Interpreting the Bills of Mortality before John Graunt,"Urban History23 (1996): 325-50. 2.15 Smuts, R. Malcolm, "The Court and Its Neighborhood: Royal Policy and Urban Growth in the Early Stuart West End,"Journal of British Studies30 (1991): 117-49. 2.16 Stobart, Jon, "An Eighteenth-Century Revolution? Urban Growth in North-West England, 1664-1801,"Urban History23 (1996): 23-47. 2.17 Ward, Joseph P.,Metropolitan Communities: Trade Guilds, Identity, and Change in Early Modern London(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997). 3. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL LIFE: 3.1 Archer, Ian W.,The Pursuit of Stability: Social Relations in Elizabethan London(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). 3.2 Berger, Ronald M.,The Most Necessary Luxuries: The Mercers' Company of Coventry, 1550-1680(University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993). 3.3 Berlin, Michael, " 'Broken all in pieces': Artisans and the Regulation of Workmanship in Early Modern London," in Geoffrey Crossick, ed.,The Artisan and the European Town, 1500-1900(Aldershot, Hants.: Scolar Press, 1997), pp. 75-91. 3.4 Clark, Geoffrey, "Life insurance in the society and culture of London, 1700-75,"Urban History24, 1 (1997):17-36. 3.5 Corfield, Penelope J., "Defining urban work," in Penelope J. Corfield and Derek Keene, eds.,Work in Towns 850-1850(Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990), pp. 207-230. 3.6 Cottret, Bernard,The Huguenots in England: Immigration and Settlement c.1550-1700(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). 3.7 Dyer, Alan, "Crisis and Resolution: Government and Society in Stratford, 1540-1640," in Robert Bearman, ed.,The History of an English Borough: Stratford-upon-Avon 1196-1996(Stroud: Sutton, 1997), pp. 97-109, 195-198. 3.8 Earle, Peter, "The Female Labour Market in London in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries,"Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 42 (1989), pp. 328-53. 3.9 -----,The Making of the English Middle Class: Business, Society and Family in London, 1660-1730(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989) 3.10 -----,A City Full of People: Men and Women of London, 1650-1750 (London: Methuen, 1993). 3.11 French, Christopher J., " 'Crowded with traders and a great commerce': London's Domination of English Overseas Trade, 1700-1775,"London Journal 17, 1, 1992: 27-35. 3.12 Grassby, Richard,The Business Community of Seventeenth-Century England(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). 3.13 Hancock, David,Citizens of the World: London Merchants and the Integration of the British Atlantic Community, 1735-1785(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). 3.14 Levine, David, and Keith Wrightson,The Making of an Industrial Society: Whickham, 1560-1765(Oxford: Clarendon, 1991). 3.15 Martin, Luc, "The Rise of the New Draperies in Norwich, 1550-1622," in N. B. Harte, ed.,The New Draperies in the Low Countries and England, 1300-1800(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 245-74. 3.16 Mui, Hoh-cheung and Lorna H.,Shops and Shopkeeping in Eighteenth-Century England(London: Routledge, 1989). 3.17 Priestley, Ursula, "The Norwich Textile Industry: The London Connection,"London Journal19, 2 (1995): 108-118. 3.18 -----, "Norwich Stuffs, 1600-1700," in N.B. Harte, ed.,The New Draperies in the Low Countries and England, 1300-1800(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 275-88 3.19 Rappaport, Steve,Worlds within Worlds: Structures of Life in Sixteenth-Century London(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989). 3.20 Sacks, David Harris,The Widening Gate: Bristol and the Atlantic Economy, 1450-1700(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991). 3.21 Schwarz, L. D.,London in the Age of Industrialization: Entrepreneurs, Labour Force and Living Conditions, 1700-1850(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). 3.22 Smail, John,The Origins of Middle-Class Culture(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994). 3.23 Weatherill, Lorna,Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain 1660-1760(London: Routledge, 1988). 3.24 Willen, Diane, "Women in the Public Sphere in Early Modern England: The Case of the Urban Working Poor,"Sixteenth Century Journal19 (1988): 559-75. 3.25 Woodward, Donald,Men at Work: Labourers and Building Craftsmen in the Towns of Northern England, 1450-1750(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).

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