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The Crusades

Compiled by Lynn Nelson
The recommended readings and appended Bibliography are not
intended to be exhaustive, but simply to provide you some initial
guidance. You are encouraged to look for other titles.  
 1.  The Background of the Crusades
     a.   The Decline of Byzantine power.                        
     b.   The Spanish Reconquista.                               
     c.   Pilgrimage in Medieval Society.                        
     d.   The Influence of the Cluniac Movement.                 
     e.   Demographic and Economic Factors 
          in Northern Europe.                                    
 2.  The First Crusade
     a.   The Motivation and Intentions 
          of the Crusaders.                                      
     b.   Christian Byzantine Relations.                         
     c.   The Primary Sources for the First Crusade.             
     d.   The People's Crusade.                                  
     e.   Christian, Byzantine, and Muslim 
          Military Organization.                                 
     f.   The Christian Leaders.                                 
 3.  The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
     a.   The Organization of the Latin 
          Kingdom of Jerusalem.                                 
     b.   The Crusading Orders.                                  
     c.   Christian Settlement in the Holy Land.                 
     d.   The Culture and Economy of the Latin 
          Kingdom of Jerusalem.                                  
 4:  The Second Crusade
     a.   The Kingdom of Edessa.                                 
     b.   St. Bernard and the Preaching 
          of the Crusade.                                        
     c.   Louis VII and the Taking of the Cross.                 
     e.   The Conduct of Military operations.                    
 5:  The Third Crusade
     a.   The Rise of Saladin.                                   
     b.   The Decline of Fatimid Egypt.                          
     c.   Christian Conduct of the Crusade 
          and its Success.                                       
     d.   The Christian Leaders.                                 
 6:  The Military Orders
     a.   The Knights Templar.                                   
     b.   The Knights Hospitaller.                               
     c.   The Teutonic Knights.                                  
     d.   Lesser Orders (Santiago, 
          Aviz, Belchite, etc.)                                  
 7:  The Fourth Crusade
     a.   The Origin and Planning 
          of the Crusade.                                        
     b.   The Diversion of the Crusade.                          
     c.   The Fall of Constantinople.                            
     d.   The Accounts of Villehardouin   
          and de Clery Compared.                                 
     e.   The Latin Empire of Constantinople.                    
 8:  The Fifth and Sixth Crusades
     a.   The Children's Crusade.                                
     b.   Pelagius and the Fifth Crusade.                        
     c.   The Policies of Frederick II.                          
     d.   Conduct and Accomplishments 
          of the Sixth Crusade.                                  
 9:  The Seventh and Eighth Crusades
     a.   Louis IX and the Crusading Ideal.                      
     b.   Conduct and Accomplishments 
          of the Seventh Crusade.                                
     c.   Conduct and Accomplishments 
          of the Eighth Crusade.                                 
     d.   The Mamelukes and the Loss of Jerusalem.               
10:  The Extension of the Crusading Ideal
     a.   Crusading Privileges and Exemptions.                   
     b.   The Germanic Orders in Prussia.                        
     c.   The Albigensian Crusade.                               
     d.   John of Brienne and the Crusade                        
          against the Hohenstaufens.
     e.   The Hussite Crusades.                                  
11:  The Decay of the Crusading Ideal
     a.   The Fate of the Knights Templar.                       
     b.   The Plans of Pierre Dubois.                            
     c.   The Ideals of Philip de Mezieres.                      
     d.   The Causes of the Decline 
          of the Crusading Ideal.                                
12:  Results of the Crusades
     a.   Literature and Learning.                               
     b.   Science and Technology.                                
     c.   Trade and Commerce.                                    
     d.   Military Technology and Architecture.                  
                        BRIEF CHRONOLOGY
1071 Battle of Manzikert              1219 FIFTH CRUSADE
1074 Gregory VII preaches crusade     1228 SIXTH CRUSADE,
1081 Alexius Comnenus Emperor              II obtains Jerusalem
1094 Council of Piacenza              1244 Muslims seize
1095 Council of Clermont              1249 SEVENTH CRUSADE 
1096 People's Crusade                 1258 Mongol capture Baghdad
1099 Fall of Jerusalem                1261 Greeks recapture Con-
1144 Zengi Captures Edessa                 stantinople
1147 SECOND CRUSADE                   1268 Fall of Antioch
1171 Saladin Sultan of Egypt          1271 Fall of Krak des
1187 Battle of Hattin, Fall of        1289 Fall of Tripoli
     Jerusalem                        1291 Fall of Acre
1189 THIRD CRUSADE                    1307-1314 Supression of the
1204 FOURTH CRUSADE, Fall of               Templars
     Constantinople                   1309 Templars retreat to
1212 Children's Crusade               1917 Jerusalem recaptured
                   GUIDES AND AIDS
0 Atiya, Aziz Suryal.
The crusade: historiography and bibliography.  Bloomington,
Indiana University Press, 1962.  Z 6207 .C97 A8 
0 Ault-Dumesnil, M. d'
Dictionnaire historique, geographique et biographique, des 
Croisades, embrassant toute la lutte du Christianisme et de 
l'Islamisme ....  Osnabruck: Biblio Verlag, 1984. D 155 .A9 1984 
0 Harvard University Library. 
Crusades: classification schedule, classified listing by call
number, alphabetical listing by author or title, chronological
listing.  Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library, 1965.
Z 6207 .C97 H3 
0 Riley-Smith, Jonathan.
The atlas of the Crusades.  New York: Facts on File, 1991. 
G 1034 .R5 1991
                THE IDEA OF THE CRUSADE
01 Armstrong, Karen. 
Holy War.  London: Macmillan, 1988.  D 157 .A76 1988
01 Brundage, James A. 
Medieval canon law and the crusader.  Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1969.  D 160 .B72
01 Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies (5th: 1974:
Ohio State University) The holy war. Edited by Thomas Patrick
Murphy.  Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c1976. 
D 160 .C66 1974
01 Daniel, Norman.
Heroes and Saracens: an interpretation of the chansons de 
geste.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c1984. 
PQ 205 .D36 1984 
01 Erdmann, Carl, 1898-1945. 
The origin of the idea of crusade.  Translated by Marshall W.
Baldwin and Walter Goffart; foreword and additional notes by
Marshall W. Baldwin. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977 
D 157 .E713 
01 Giezstor, Aleksandr. 
"The Genesis of the Crusades." Medievalia et Humanistica. (1948)
01 Kedar, B. Z. 
Crusade and mission: European approaches toward the Muslims. 
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1984. BV 2625 .K43
01 Richard, Jean.
Croises, missionnaires et voyageurs: les perspectives 
orientales du monde latin medieval. London: Variorum Reprints,
1983.  D 157 .R52 1983 
01 Riley-Smith, Jonathan.
The first crusade and the idea of crusading. London: Athlone,
1986.  D 161.2 .R48 1986b 
01 Rittner, Volker. 
Kulturkontakte und soziales Lernen im Mittelalter: Kreuzzuge im
Lichte e. mittelalterl. Biographie. Koln; Wien: Bohlau, 1973. 
HN 11 .R53 1973 
01 Rousset, Paul. 
Histoire d'une ideologie: la Croisade. Lausanne, Suisse: L'Age
d'homme, c1983.  D 157 .R643 1983 
01 Schwinges, Rainer Christoph. 
Kreuzzugsideologie und Toleranz: Studien zu Wilhelm von 
Tyrus. 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1977. BX 4705 .G742 1977 
01 Siberry, Elizabeth. 
Criticism of crusading: 1095-1274. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New
York: Oxford University Press, 1985.  D 160 .S49 1985 
01 The Crusades, idea and reality, 1095-1274. Ed. Jonathan
Riley-Smith.  London: E. Arnold, 1981.  D 157 .C78 1981
01 The Holy War. Edited by T.P. Murphey (1974)
01 Trotter, D. A. 
Medieval French literature and the crusades (1100-1300). 
Gen`eve: Librairie Droz, 1988.   PQ 155 .C86 T76 1988 
02 Charanis, Peter. 
"Byzantium. the West and the Origin of the First Crusade."
Byzantion. 19 (1949)
02 Cowdrey, H.E.J. 
The Cluniacs and the Gregorian Reform (1977)
03 Angold, Michael. 
The Byzantine Empire 1025-1204: a political history.  London; New
York: Longman, 1984.  DF 596 .A54 1984 
03 Burns, Robert Ignatius. 
Islam under the crusaders, colonial survival in the
thirteenth-century Kingdom of Valencia. Princeton: Princeton
University Press 1973. DP 302 .V205 B83
03 Burns, Robert Ignatius. 
Medieval colonialism: postcrusade exploitation of Islamic 
Valencia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975.
HC 387 .V3 B87
03 Cahen, Claude. 
Orient et Occident au temps des Croisades.  Paris: Aubier
Montaigne, c1983.  D 157 .C27 1983 
03 Day, Gerald W.
Genoa's response to Byzantium, 1155-1204: commercial 
expansion and factionalism in a medieval city.  Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, c1988.  HF 3590 .G4 D39 1988 
03 Deschamps, Paul.
Au temps des croisades. Paris Hachette 1972  D 157 .D48
03 Edbury, Peter W. 
The kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1374.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
DS 54.6 .E33 1991
03 Leib, Bernard. 
Rome, Kiev et Byzance `a la fin du XIe si
cle; rapports 
religieux des Latins et des Greco-Russes sous le pontificat
d'Urbain II (1088-1099). Paris, A. Picard, 1924. BR 145 .L45 
03 Lilie, Ralph-Johannes. 
Byzanz und die Kreuzfahrerstaaten: Studien zur Politik des 
Byzantinischen Reiches gegenuber den Staaten der 
Kreuzfahrer in Syrien und Palastina bis zum Vierten 
Kreuzzug (1096-1204). Munchen: Fink, 1981. DF 547 .L37 L54 1981 
03 Lloyd, Simon D.
English society and the crusade, 1216-1307. Oxford: Clarendon
Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.  DA 225 .L56 1988
03 Macquarrie, Alan. 
Scotland and the Crusades, 1095-1560. Edinburgh: J. Donald,
c1985.  D 157 .M33 1985 
03 Saunders, J. J. 
Aspects of the Crusades. 2d ed. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs
1968.  D 159 .S28 1968 
03 Tyerman, Christopher. 
England and the Crusades, 1095-1588. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1988.  DA 176 .T94 1988 
03 William, of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, ca. 1130-ca. 1190. 
Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum. English
The boke intitulede Eracles and ... of Godefrey of Boloyne.
Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; New York: Da Capo Press,
1973. folio D 183.3 .G8413 1973
04 Brehier, Louis.
l'Eglise et l'Orient au moyen age: les croisades. 1st AMS ed.
New York: AMS Press, 1978. D 157 .B8 1978 
04 Constable, Giles. 
Monks, hermits, and crusaders in Medieval Europe. London: Variorum
Reprints, 1988.  BX 2470 .C62 1988
04 Cowdrey, Herbert E. J. 
Popes, monks, and crusaders. London: Hambledon Press, 1984.       BR
252 .C68 1984
04 Dupront, Alphonse.
Du sacre: croisades et p
lerinages, images et langages.
Paris: Gallimard, c1987. BX 2323 .D87 1987
04 Hamilton, Bernard.
Monastic reform, Catharism, and the Crusades, (900-1300). London:
Variorum Reprints, 1979.  BX 2590 .H35 
04 Housley, Norman. 
The Avignon papacy and the Crusades, 1305-1378. Oxford: Clarendon
Press; New York: Oxford University Press, c1986. 
D 172 .H68 1986
04 Housley, Norman. 
The Italian crusades: the Papal-Angevin alliance and the
crusades against Christian lay powers, 1254-1343. Oxford: Clarendon
Press; New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1982.   DG 847.15 .H68 1982 
04 Luttrell, Anthony.
Latin Greece, the Hospitallers, and the Crusades, 1291-1440.
London: Variorum Reprints, 1982.  BX 2825 .L88 1982 
04 Purcell, Maureen. 
Papal crusading policy: the chief instruments of papal 
crusading policy and crusade to the Holy Land from the 
final loss of Jerusalem to the fall of Acre, 1244-1291.
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975.  D 160 .P87 
04 Schein, Sylvia.
Fideles crucis: the Papacy, the West, and the recovery of 
the Holy Land, 1274-1314.  Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991.   D 171 .S34 1991
04 Setton, Kenneth M.
The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571. Philadelphia: American
Philosophical Society, 1976-1984.  Q 11 .P612 vol. 114, etc. 
05 Bercovici, Konrad.
The crusades. New York: Cosmopolitan book corporation, 1929. 
D 157 .B4 
05 Bercovici, Konrad.
The crusades. New York, Cosmopolitan book corporation, 1929. 
D 157 .B4
05 Bradford, Ernle.
The sword and the scimitar: the saga of the Crusades. New York:
Putnam, 1974.  D 157 .B77
05 Erbstosser, Martin. 
The Crusades. Translated by C. S. V. Salt. 
Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1978. D 157 .E6813 
05 Finucane, Ronald C. 
Soldiers of the faith: Crusaders and Moslems at war.  London: J.M.
Dent, 1983.   D 157 .F56 1983b 
05 Glubb, John B. 
The lost centuries: from the Muslim empires to the 
Renaissance of Europe, 1145-1453. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall
1967.  DS 236 .G58 1967  Regents Center Library 
05 Grousset, Rene.
The epic of the Crusades. Translated by Noel Lindsay. 
New York, Orion Press, 1970.  D 157 .G6713 1970 
05 Lamb, Harold. 
The crusades. London: Thornton Butterworth, 1933.  D 157 .L3 1933
05 Mayer, Hans Eberhard.
The Crusades.  Translated by John Gillingham. London, Oxford
University Press, 1972, 1978 printing.  D 157 .M3813 
05 Oldenbourg, Zoe.
Les croisades. Paris Gallimard 1965.  D 157 .O3 
05 Oldenbourg, Zoe.
The heirs of the kingdom. Translated by Anne Carter. New York:
Pantheon Books, c1971.  PQ 2629 .L4 J613 
05 Paladilhe, Dominique. 
La grande aventure des croises. Paris: Perrin, c1979. 
D 157 .P3 
05 Payne, Robert.
The dream and the tomb: a history of the Crusades. New York: Stein and
Day, 1984.  D 157 .P35 1984 
05 Pernoud, Regine.
The crusaders. Translated by Enid Grant. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd
c1963.  D 157 .P4x 1963 
05 Riley-Smith, Jonathan.
The Crusades: a short history. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987. 
D 157 .R53 1987 
05 Runciman, Steven.
A history of the Crusades. New York, Harper & Row 1964- 
D 157 .R8 1964 
05 Setton, Kenneth M. 
A History of the Crusades. Volume I. The First Hundred Years. edited
by M.W. Baldwin (1955); Volume 2. The Later Crusades. edited by R.L.
Wolff (1962); Volume 3. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. edited
by H.W. Hazard (1975); Volume 4. The Art and Architecture of the
Crusader States. edited by H.W. Hazard (1977). 2d ed. Madison,
University of Wisconsin Press, 1969-1989. D 157 .S482 
05 Smail, R. C. 
Crusading warfare, 1097-1193. Cambridge: University Press, l956. 
CB 351 .C35x s. 2 v. 3 
05 Treece, Henry. 
The Crusades. London, Bodley Head, 1962.  D 158 .T79 1962x 
05 West, Anthony.
The Crusades. Illustrated by Carl Rose. New York, Random House, 1954.
D 158 .W4 
06 Atiya, Aziz A. 
Crusade. Commerce and Culture (1962)
06 Chazan, Robert.
European Jewry and the First Crusade.  Berkeley: University of
California Press, c1987.  DS 135 .G31 C45 1987 
06 Eickhoff, Ekkehard. 
Friedrich Barbarossa im Orient: Kreuzzug und Tod Friedrichs
 I.  Tubingen: E. Wasmuth, c1977.   D 163.5 .G4 E38
06 The Meeting of two worlds: cultural exchange between East 
and West during the period of the Crusades.  Edited by Vladimir P.
Goss, associate editor, Christine Verzar Bornstein.
Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications, Western 
Michigan University, 1986.  CB 351 .S83 vol. 21 
                  THE FIRST CRUSADE
07 "Contemporary Letters on the Capture of Jerusalem by the
Crusaders." edited and translated by S. D. Goitein. Journal of Jewish
Studies. 3 (1952)
07 Cahen, C. 
"An Introduction to the First Crusade." Past and
Present. 6 (1954)
07 Comnena, Anna, b. 1083. 
Alexiad. English: The Alexiad of Anna Comnena. Translated by
E.R.A. Sewter. Baltimore: Penguin Books 1969.  DF 605 .C6 1969
07 Foucher, de Chartres, 1058?-ca. 1127. 
A history of the expedition to Jerusalem, 1095-1127.
Translated by Frances Rita Ryan. Edited with an introd. by Harold S.
Fink. New York, W. W. Norton 1973, c1969 D 161.1 .F6913 1973 
07 Foucher of Chartres.
The First Crusade; the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and 
other source materials. Edited, with an introd. by Edward Peters.
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 1971 D 161 .P47 
07 France, S. 
"An Unknown Account of the Capture of Jerusalem." 
EHR. 87 (1972)
07 Hagenmeyer, Heinrich, 1834-1915. 
Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri
spectantes. Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100. 
Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1973. D 161 .H15 1973
07 Henty, George A.
Winning his spurs: a tale of the crusades.  London: S. Low, Marston,
1924?  PR 4785 .H55 W56 1924
07 Krey, A.C. 
The First Crusade. The Accounts of Eye Witnesses and
07 Krey, A.C. "Urban's Crusade: Success or Failure?" 
AHR. 53 (1948)
07 Munro, Dana C. 
"Did the Emperor Alexius Ask for Aid at the Council of Piacenza.
1095?" AHR. 27 (1922)
07 Munro, Dana C. 
"The Speech of Urban II at Clermont." AHR. 11 (1906)
07 Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143? 
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. Translated, with
notes, and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester. London, H. G.
Bohn, 1853-56. New York, AMS Press 1968 
BR 252 .O632 
07 Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143? 
The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis. Edited and 
translated with introduction and notes by Marjorie Chibnall. 
Oxford, Clarendon P., 1969-1980.  BR 252 .O634 
07 Raimundus de Agiles. 
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem. Translated with introd.
and notes by John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill.
Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1968. Q 11 .P612 vol. 71
07 Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595.
Godfrey of Bulloigne: a critical edition of Edward Fairfax's 
translation of Tasso's Gerusalemme liberata, together with
Fairfax's original poems. Edited by Kathleen M. Lea and T. M. Gang. 
Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University  Press, 1981. PQ
4642 .E21 F3 1981 
07 Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595.
Jerusalem delivered: an English prose version. Translated and edited
by Ralph Nash.  Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1987.  PQ 4642
.E21 N37 1987
07 The Jews and the Crusaders: the Hebrew chronicles of the
First and Second Crusades. Translated and edited by Shlomo 
Eidelberg.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977. 
DS 135 .G31 J48
07 Tudebodus, Petrus.
Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere. Translated with introd. and notes
by John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill.  Philadelphia, American
Philosophical Society, 1974.  Q 11 .P612 vol. 101 
                   THE SECOND CRUSADE
08 Bernard of Clairvaux. 
The Letters of St. Bernard. Translated by B. Scott James (1963)
08 Constable, Giles. 
"The Second Crusade as seen by Contemporaries." Traditio. 9 (1953)
08 John of Salisbury. 
De expugnatione Lyxbonensi. Translated by C.W. David (1936)
08 Odo of Deuil. 
De profectione Ludovici VII. Translated by V.G. Berry (1948)
                 THE THIRD CRUSADE
09 Ambroise. 
The Crusade of Richard the Lionheart. Translated by M.J. Hubert 
09 Anonymous. 
The Crusade and Death of Richard I. Translated by R.C.
Johnston (1961)
09 Anonymous. 
The Third Crusade. An Eye-witness Account of the
Campaigns of Richard Coeur de Lion in Cyprus and the Holy Land. 
Translated by K. Fenwick (1958)
09 Flahiff, G.B. 
"Deus non vult. A Critic of the Third Crusade." Medieval Studies. 9
09 La Prise d'Acre. La Mort Godefroi. And, La Chanson des rois 
Baudoin. Edited by Peter R. Grillo.  Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama
Press, c1987. PQ 1311 .O43 vol. 7, pt. 2 
09 Metellus, von Tegernsee, fl. 1167. 
Expeditio Jerosolimitana. Erstausg. von Peter Christian Jacobsen.
Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1982.  PA 2801 .Q4 Bd. 6 
09 Otto I, Bishop of Freising, d. 1158.
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa.  By Otto of Freising and 
his continuator, Rahewin. Translated and annotated with an
introd. by Charles Christopher Mierow with the collaboration of
Richard Emery. New York, Norton 1966, c1953  DD 149 .O784 1966 
6 Outremer: studies in the history of the crusading kingdom of
Jerusalem presented to Joshua Prawer.  Edited by B.Z. 
Kedar, H.E. Mayer, R.C. Smail. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Institute,
1982.  D 159 .O9 1982 
09 Richard of Devises. 
Chronicon. Vaduz: Kraus Reprint, 1964.  DA 20 .E6 R5 1964 
09 Richard of Devizes. 
The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes. Translated by J.T
Appleby (1963)
09 William of Tyre. 
Chronicle. Translated by E.A. Blaylock (1943)
10 Anonymous.
Li estoire de chiaus qui conquisent Constantinople.
Translated by E.N. Stone
10 Choniates, Nicetas, ca. 1140-1213. 
O city of Byzantium: annals of Niketas Choniates. Translated by Harry
I. Magoulias. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1984.
DF 606 .C5313 1984
10 Fotheringham, J.K. 
"Genoa and the Fourth Crusade." EHR. 25 (1910)
10 Geoffrey de Villehardouin. 
The Conquest of Constantinople. Translated by M.R.B. Shaw
10 Godfrey, J. 
"Venice and the Fourth Crusade." History Today. 26 (1976)
10 Godfrey, John. 
1204, the unholy Crusade. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,
1980.  D 164 .G6
10 Longnon, Jean. 
Les Compagnons de Villehardouin: recherches sur les Croises
de la quatri
me Croisade. Gen`eve: Droz; Paris: Champion etc., 1978. 
D 164 .L66 
10 Pears, E. 
The Fall of Constantinople. Being the Story of the
Fourth Crusade (1885)
10 Queller, Donald E. 
"The Fourth Crusade: The Neglected Majority." Speculum. 49 (1974)
10 Queller, Donald E.
Medieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade.  London: Variorum Reprints,
1980.  JX 1641 .Q42
10 Queller, Donald E.
The Fourth Crusade: the conquest of Constantinople, 
1201-1204. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.  D
164 .Q38 
10 Robert de Clery. 
The Conquest of Constantinople. Translated by E. H. McNeal (1936)
                   LATER CRUSADES
11 Boulle, Pierre.
L'Etrange croisade de l'empereur Frederic II .. .  Paris, Flammarion,
1968. DD 151 .B65 
11 Christian society and the Crusades, 1198-1229; sources in 
translation, including The capture of Damietta by Oliver of 
Paderborn.  Translated with notes by John J. Gavigan. Edited, with an
introd. by Edward Peters. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
Press, 1971. D 151 .P47 
11 Donovan, J.P. 
Pelagius and the Fifth Crusade (1950)
11 Jean de Joinville. 
History of St. Louis. Translated by M.R.B. Shaw 
11 Philip of Novara. 
The Wars of Frederick II against the Ibelings
in Syria and Cyprus. Translated by J.L. Lamonte (1936)
11 Powell, James M. 
Anatomy of a crusade, 1213-1221.  Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1986.  D 165 .P68 1986
11 Rutebeuf. 
Rutebeuf and Louis IX. Translated by E.B. Ham (1962)
12 Anonymous. 
L'Estoire de la Guerre Saint. Translated by E.N. Stone (1939)
12 Anonymous. 
The Crusaders as Conquerors. The Chronicle of Morea. Translated by
H.E. Lurie
12 Brundage, James A. 
The Crusades, a documentary survey. Milwaukee: Marquette University
Press, 1962.  D 157 .B88
12 Christiansen, Eric.
The northern crusades: the Baltic and the Catholic frontier,
1100-1525. London; New York: Macmillan, 1980. D 173 .C47 1980
12 Chronicles of the crusades: eye-witness accounts of the wars 
between Christianity and Islam.  Edited by Elizabeth Hallam. 
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989.  D 151 .C56 1989b 
12 Dubois, Pierre 
The Recovery of the Holy Land. Translated by W.I.
Brandt (1956)
12 Ducas, fl. 1455. 
Decline and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks. an annotated
Translation of "Historia Turco-Byzantina" by Harry J. Magoulias. 
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1975.  DF 631 .A2 D813
12 Gabrieli, Francesco, 1904- 
Arab historians of the Crusades; selected and translated from 
the Arabic sources.  Translated by E. J. Costello. London: Routledge &
K. Paul, 1969. D 151 .G313 1969b 
12 Gray, G.Z. 
The Chilren's Crusade (1870)
12 Ibn Kalanisi. 
The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades. Translated by H.A.R. Gibbs
12 Les Chetifs.  Edited by Geoffrey M. Myers. University: University
of Alabama Press, c1980.  PQ 1311 .O43 vol. 5 
12 Letters of the Crusaders. edited and translated by D.C. Munro
12 Lowe, Alfonso. 
The Catalan vengeance. London; Boston: Routledge and K. Paul, 1972. 
DF 636.5 .L68 1972
12 Maalouf, Amin. 
The crusades through Arab eyes. Translated by Jon Rothschild. London:
Al Saqi Books: Distributed by Zed Books, 1984.  DS 38.6 .M3213 1984 
12 Manuel II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425.
The letters of Manuel II Palaeologus: text, translation, and 
notes.  Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies,
Trustees for Harvard University; Locust Valley, N.Y.: distributed by
J. J. Augustin, 1977.  DF 503 .M28 1977 
12 Mezi`eres, Philippe de, 1327?-1405. 
Le songe du Vieil Pelerin. Edited by G. W. Coopland. London, Cambridge
U.P., 1969.  D 172 .M44 1969
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