WEMSK27:The Liturgy


             WEMSK27 -- Liturgy

1. Bibliography:

a. Richard W. Pfaff, Medieval Latin Liturgy. A Select Bibliography.
Toronto Medieval Bibliographies (Toronto: University of Troronto
Press, 1982). See also Vogel, 2b below.

2. Lexica:

a. J. G. Davies, A Select Liturgical Lexicon. Ecumenical Studies in
Worship, No. 14 (Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1965.  An excellent
short manual; to find out how many books you don't know the name of
in the Eastern Orthodox liturgy, see his "books, liturgical."  This
is a good series.

b. Albert Blaise, Le vocabulaire latin des principaux themes
liturgiques (Turnhout: Brepols, 1966).  Excellent!

c. Albert Sleumer, Liturgisches Lexikon. Ausfuehrliches Woerterbuch
zum Missale Romanum, Rituale Romanum und Breviarum Romanum (Limburg
an der Lahn: Gebrueder Steffen, 1916). Good for coverage.

d. Leo F. Stelton, Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin (Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson, 1995).

3. General:

a. Dom Gregory Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy, 2d ed. (London: Adam
and Charles Black, 1945). Often cited and quite readable. A good
first read.

b. Valentin Thalhofer and Ludwig Eisenhofer, Handbuch der
katholischen Liturgik, 2d ed., 2 vols. Herders Theologische
Bibliothek (Freiburg: Herder, 1912). Best for general overview.

c. Cyrille Vogel, Medieval Liturgy. An Introduction to the Sources.
NPM Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, rev. and transl. by
William G. Storey and Niels K. Rasmussen (Washington, DC: Pastoral
Press, 1986). A revised and updated translation of Introduction aux
sources de l'histoire du culte chretien au moyen age, 1981.

d. V. Leroquais, Les manuscrits lituriques latins du haut moyen age
a la Renaissance. Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes. Sciences
Religieuses (Paris, 1931).

e. John Harper, The Forms and Order of Western Liturgy from the
Tenth to the Eighteenth Century (Oxford: OUP, 1991).

4. Liturgical Books and Themes. There are a number of different
liturgical books you may have to pay attention to: missal,
antiphonary, psalter, epistolary, evangelary, pontifical,
caeremoniale, rituale, ordo missae, etc.

a. Andrew Hughes, Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office. A guide
to their Organization and Terminology (Toronto: UTorontoP, 1982).
Complicated, but so is his subject.

b. Adolph Franz, Die kirchlichen Benediktionen im Mittelalter, 2
vols. (Freiburg: Herder; repr. Graz, 1960).  Exposition of the
principal elements.

5. Series, etc.

Henry Bradshaw Society

New Oxford History of Music, revised ed.

Ephemerides liturgicae (Rome: Edizioni Liturgiche, etc., 1887-).

Archiv fuer Liturgiewissenschaft.

Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen. 1919-.

Liturgisches Jahrbuch. 1951-.

6. Encyclopedia:

a. Fernand Cabrol & Henri Leclercq, Dictionnaire d'Archeologie
Chretienne et de Liturgie, 15 vols. in 30 (Paris: Letouzey, 1907-
53). Splendid!

7. Mass: There are any number of books which will introduce you to
the Mass, as well as English translations, Latin with English
translations, etc.  A good short walk-through: Ronald Knox, The
Mass in Slow Motion (NY: Sheed and Ward, 1948).  An old standby is
the Mary Knoll Missal (NY: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1961). Or, just
looking through my shelves: St. Andrew Daily Missal (Bruges:
Biblica, 1958).

a. Nicholas Gihr, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, transl. from the
German (NY: Herder, 1951). Good, straightforward.

b. Joseph A. Jungmann, Missarum solemnia. Eine genetische
Erklaerung der Messe, 2d ed. (Vienna: Herder, 1949).  There are
various English translations.  I use the Spanish, El sacrificio de
la Misa, 4th ed. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos 68 (Madrid:
Editorial Catolica, 1963). This is the standard scholarly
treatment, with extensive references and bibliography.

c. Adolph Franz, Die Messe im deutschen Mittelalter (Freiburg:
Herder, 1902; repr. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,
1963).  A great resource.

8. Breviary.  Breviaries abound; if you visit old bookstores in
large cities, you can find one.  They come in four volumes.

a. I am the proud owner of: Breviarum Romanum ex decreto SS.
Concilii Tridentini restitutum (Regensburg: Pustet, 1952).

b. English translations also abound.  I use: Roman Breviary in
English, ed. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Nelson, D. D. (NY: Benzinger
Bros., 1950).

c. My favorite history of the Breviary is: Suitbet Baeumer,
Geschichte des Breviers (Freiburg: Herder, 1895).

d. But I also own, in English translation, horresco referens (je
prends mon bien par ou je le trouve): Pierre Batiffol, History of
the Roman Breviary, tr. Atwell M. Y. Baylay, from the third French
ed. (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912). A solid treatment.

9. The Liber Usualis, with introduction and rubrics in English, ed.
by the Benedictines of Solesmes (Tournai: Desclee, 1962. This is
almost a must. There will be a WEMSK on hymnology later on.

10. Rituale Romanum, 6th ed. (Regensburg: Pustet, 1898).

11. Introductions to liturgical Latin:

a. Wilfrid Diamond, Liturgical Latin (NY: Benzinger, 1941).  A
familiar old book.

b. John F. Collins, A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin (Washington,
DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1985). Somewhat more
substantial than Diamond.

c. Christine Mohrmann, Liturgical Latin, Its Origins and Character;
Three Lectures (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America
Press, 1957). Not a textbook, but a collection of lectures by an
outstanding authority.

12. There are a number of `helps' which you ought to consider:

a. The Office of the Holy Week, according to the Roman Missal,
Breviary and Pontifical, in Latin and English, n. a. (NY: Sadler,
1885; often reprinted).

b. Abbot Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, transl. Laurence Shepherd
(New York: Benzinger Brothers, 1911). An excellent multi-volume,
scholarly work.

c. Pius Parsch, The Church's Year of Grace, tr. William G. Heidt
(Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1957).  Somewhat more
popular in tone than Gueranger.

13. There will be WEMSKADDs on Greek and Judaic liturgies.
Meanwhile, look at P. J. Thompson, The Orthodox Liturgy (1939); The
Orthodox Liturgy, ed. Nicon D. Patronacas (Garwood, NJ: Graphic
Arts Press) "Authorized to be used within the Greek orthodox church
of the Americas"; Hayyim Schauss, The Jewish Festivals, tr. Samuel
Jaffe (Cincinnati: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1938);
Die Lehren des Judentums, the Verband der Deutschen Juden, 5 parts
(Leipzig, Gustav Engel, 1924-29).

Stan Metheny Would suggest adding Eric Palazzo (et al.), _A history of liturgical books: from the beginning to the thirteenth century_ (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1998).

Luca Ricossa adds
> 8. Breviary.  Breviaries abound; if you visit old bookstores in
> large cities, you can find one.  They come in four volumes.

But one must be careful, because the ferial office was wery deeply reformed under Pope St Pius X (beginning of this finishing Century). For something corresponding more to the medieval liturgies you should have at least a breviary from the XIXth Century.

> a. I am the proud owner of: Breviarum Romanum ex decreto SS.
> Concilii Tridentini restitutum (Regensburg: Pustet, 1952).

...restitutum, but reformed by Pius X. Other reforms where never so deep and revolutionary as the reform of Pius X. A new distribution of the psalter, new antiphons composed (even where not necessary, cf. the sunday Vespers), new rubrics, etc...
The same is true for the Liber Usualis, at least for the part concerning the office.
Further, students should be aware that the medieval liturgy did not have a standard, that every country had its proper usage (this lasted in many coutrys up to the last quarter of the XIXth Century).

> a. The Office of the Holy Week, according to the Roman Missal,
> Breviary and Pontifical, in Latin and English, n. a. (NY: Sadler,
> 1885; often reprinted).

That's good. The Holy Week was deeply reformed under Pius XII.

The Vatican Bookstore is editing the liturgical books of the Coucil of Trent. Worth a look too (I have the Pontificale with the plainsong edited by Marenzio and Dragoni).

Hubert Philipp Weber adds

5. Series
Gottesdienst der Kirche. Handbuch der Liturgiewissenschaft (Ed. H. B.
Meyer, Regensburg )
- Feiern im Rhythmus der Zeit
3. Gestalt des Gottesdienstes
4. Eucharistie
- Feiern im Rhythmus der Zeit
5. Herrenfeste in Woche und Jahr
6,1. Der Kalender
- Sakramentliche Feiern
7,1. Die Feiern der Eingliederung in die Kirche
7,1,Reg.. Register zu Teil 7,1: Sakramentliche Feiern 1
7,2. Feiern der Umkehr und Versöhnung
8. Ordination und Beauftragungen, Riten um Ehe und Familie, Feiern
geistlicher Gemeinschaften, die Sterbe- und Begräbnisliturgie, die
Benediktionen, der Exorzismus

8. Breviary
A short introduction ist
Th. Schnitzler, Was das Stundengebet bedeutet?, Freiburg 1980.

A visit to the Marchand shelves (chaos! chaos!) leads to the following:

1. The Study of Liturgy, ed. Cheslyn Jones et al. Revised edition SPCK
(London: Oxford UP, 1992).  This ought perhaps to be your first port of

2. A. Z. Idelsohn, Jewish Liturgy and its Development (NY: Schocken, 1967;
repr. of a 1932 book).  Idelsohn was in his day THE authority.

3. George Robinson, Essential Judaism. A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs,
and Rituals (NY: Pocket Books, 2000).  In spite of its name, my copy is
hardbound.  A good, but substantial, book to read through.  Nice

Another one I forgot.  I will not be doing any more WEMSKs for a while
(debility; Christmas), but I did want to add an item I will be putting into a WEMSKADD: Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church, ed. Michael Prokurat et al. (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 1996). It's bibliography!: 349-440. I agree with Johnston, 2d ed., 323: "This historical DICTIONARY and WHO'S WHO fills a gap." This ought to be the first port of call for orthodox questions.